8:15 Wael Ghonim: revolution in Egypt
8:45 Fredrick Heffermehl: Nobel Peace Prize
9:05 Anthony McCarten: absent heroes
9:40 Richie Meyer: silent movies
10:05 Playing Favourites with Megan Salole
11:05 Ted Noten: objects and meanings
11:45 Children’s Books with Kate de Goldi
Producer: Mark Cubey
Wellington engineer: Carol Jones
8:15 Wael Ghonim
Wael Ghonim is an Egyptian activist and computer engineerwith an interest in social entrepreneurship. In his memoir, Revolution 2.0(Fourth Estate, ISBN: 978-0-00-745436), he explains how his use of social mediahelped generate the Arab Spring.
8:45 Fredrick Heffermehl
Fredrik Heffermehl is a Norwegian lawyer, peaceresearcher, and author of the books Nobel's Will (2008, ISBN:978-82-7990-074-0), and The Nobel Peace Prize: What Nobel Really Wanted (2010,Praeger, ISBN: 978-0-313-38744-9). He claims that the Nobel committee hasviolated the terms of Alfred Nobel’s will, ignoring the prize’s originalpurpose to diminish the role of military power in international relations.
9:05 Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten has created a number of novels, playsand films, including Ladies Night, Via Satellite, Weed, and Show of Hands. Latelast year, the film adaptation of his 2005 novel Death of a Superhero (Vintage,ISBN: 978-1-86941-696-1) won the Prize of the Public and the Prize of the YouthPublic at the Les Arcs European Film Festival.
His new novel, In the Absence ofHeroes (Vintage, ISBN: 978-1-86979-723-2), is a sequel to that book. Anthonylives in London, but will return to New Zealand for the 2012 Auckland Writers& Readers Festival (9-13 May).
9:40 Richie Meyer
Dr Richard J Meyer teaches film at Seattle University,Washington, and is President Emeritus of The San Francisco Silent FilmFestival. He has published widely in film and journalism periodicals, andworked in all phases of film and educational television production, and is theauthor of two books about Chinese actors of the 1920s and 1930s: Ruan Ling-Yu:The Goddess of Shanghai (Hong Kong University Press, ISBN: 978-9622093959), andJin Yan: The Rudolph Valentino of Shanghai (Hong Kong University Press, ISBN:9789622095861). Richie is a visiting scholar at the New Zealand Film Archive,where he is researching First World War propaganda.
10:05 Playing Favourites with Megan Salole
Megan Saloleis “a bloody dreamer” and proud of it. She likes to imagine better ways ofdoing things, and finding ways to bring it about. Once a designer, she is nowconsidered a social entrepreneur, and has had a hand in creating initiativessuch as the international Frocksonbikes movement and Intersect. She was theNational Campaign Manager for the Green Party in the 2011 election, and is amember of the Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra, who are about toembark on a nationwide tour.
11:05 Ted Noten
Ted Noten is the Dutch Artist of the Year 2012, and“tries to stamp out the spoof of society with objects of shifting meanings”. Hewill be a keynote speaker at JEMposium: Jewellery or What, the internationaljewellery symposium in Wellington from 10-13 February. His video installation,Gold, Sweat and Pearls, will be exhibited at Objectspace in Auckland (7February to 10 March) alongside the work of fellow internationally renownedjewellers Manon van Kouswijk and Fabrizio Tridenti, who will also be speakingat JEMposium.
11:45 Children’s Books with Kate de Goldi
New Zealandwriter Kate De Goldi (left) is the author of a number of books, including themulti-award winning novel, The 10pm Question. She will discuss four books fromthe New York Review Children's Collection:
The Sorely Trying Day, by Russell and Lillian Hoban(NYRB; ISBN: 978-159017-343-5); The Mousewife, by Rumer Godden, illustrated byWilliam Pene du Bois (NYRB; ISBN 978-1-59017-310-7); D'Aulaire's Book ofAnimals, by Ingri and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire (NYRB; ISBN 978-1-59017-226-1); andOunce, Dice, Trice, by Alastair Reid, illustrated by Ben Shahn (NYRB; ISBN978-1-59017-320-6).
Saturday Morning repeats and previews:
On Saturday 11 February, Kim’s guests will include RobertGlennon on water, Patrick and Patsy McGrath on Bali, and Sam Hunt and DickFrizzell on poetry as painting.
Monday 6 February: Waitangi Day Special at Puke Ariki,New Plymouth On Waitangi Day morning from 8.00am to midday, Kim Hill and PaulDiamond (Curator, Maori, at the Turnbull Library) will host a Korerorero atPuke Ariki, with invited guests.
On Sunday 5 February at Puke Ariki between 1.30pm and2.30pm, we will be recording a one-hour panel discussion that will play as partof that programme.
Members of the New Plymouth public are invited to comealong and be part of the audience on both the Sunday and Monday. Entry is free,but seating is limited.
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