Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Booklover Oscar Kightley on his favourites

Actor and writerOscar Kightley stars in Sione’s Wedding2: Unfinished Business.
The book I love most is...any that takes me someplace else and gets me thinking about stuff.

The book I'm reading right now is....TheOther Brain by R. Douglas Fields. It's about what science is discoveringabout the function and role of all the mushy stuff in our brains. Everyonethinks brains are all about neurons but they make up only 15% of it. I'm tryingunderstand how my brain works more.

The book I'd like to read next is..... TheHemlock Cup by Bettany Hughes. It's a biography of Socrates. The back ofthe book said that we think the way we are because Socrates thought the way hedid. I want to learn more about this remarkable human.

My favourite bookshop is.... Dear Reader onRichmond Road in West Lynn, Auckland. I can't walk in there without endingleaving with a book I like, so I can never go in there when I'm broke.

The book that changed me is...... The first oneI borrowed at the Matipo Primary School library in Te Atatu North way back inthe day. It featured folk stories and myths from different cultures around theworld. It put me on the path of enjoying reading and the power of stories.

The book I wish I'd never read is...I neverfinish a book if it feels like I won't get anything from it. Life's too shortto spend some of it reading stink books.

First published in the Herald on Sunday 19 February, 2012

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