Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

NZ Book Publishing Godfather Ray Richards announces his retirement

After 35 years we are relinquishing Richards Literary Agencyon 31 March 2012 – a reality due to our ages.
The current addresses (phone, email, post office and streetaddress) will remain current for Barbara and Ray; and the same for Frances,Judy and Elaine.  RLA office hours areunchanged.  At the present time Ray’s newrole is consultant. 
It has been our great pride and enjoyment.
We will always be glad to hear from old friends.
Barbara and Ray Richards,
Richards Literary Agency/RLA.
RichardsLiterary Agency (RLA) founded 1977. Member New Zealand Association of Literary Agents
Postal address: PO Box 31-240, Milford, Auckland 0741, NZ.  Tel/Fax: (09) 410 0209
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 9.00am - 2.30pm

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